Dozer meeting Domo for the first time!
I'm sprinkling a few photos of my new friend Dozer throughout this post so it doesn't seem too negative and lightens up the mood! Just keeping Dozer the rest of the weekend.
I believe in God and have a very solid religious foundation, but I am also open to other ideals and beliefs. I started thinking about Karma several years ago and then gradually it has become a life preserver for me. I think without the belief of Karma (or heaven/hell) I would sink. I NEED Karma to be real. I NEED Karma to work. I don't need to be witness to Karma in action, but I HAVE to BELIEVE that those (one in particular) who have done such wrong, this one in particular who has done such wrong to my only daughter will suffer one day......wether it's hell or Karma - I don't care, I just want it to happen. So is this bad Karma for me to want bad Karma to happen to someone who is bad? Haha yep, I guess it is!
Dozer doesn't like my bills either!
I've been told that it's wrong of me for not confronting this "person". But if I do, it will only make matters worse or even harder for my girl. So I will believe that God or Karma or whoever/whatever will take care of this for me. It is truly out of my hands, so to the powers above....go for it! Make it happen and I'm more than willing, happy even, to take what's due to me for wanting this so very badly.
Another interesting thing about Karma is that I've always thought of it as above...this one person getting what he SO deserves. But last night as the moonlight was streaming through the blinds and a beautiful candle was flickering and casting it's shadow on the wall, I had an epiphany. Karma works in both ways. So I tried and tried, but couldn't figure out what I've done in my life for me to suddenly be so deserving. Is that Karma (cause I'm obviously NOT that good of a person for wanting someone else to suffer)? I don't know if it's Karma or God working His magic, but thank You.
Also, the Catholic in me thinks I will probably end up in Purgatory for quite awhile before the decision is made for me of Heaven vs Hell as my resting if I die before you do, please say tons of prayers on my behalf...I'm gonna need them. Thank you!!!
Dozer vs Domo....who's cuter??