Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Things

This has been a very difficult week. Everyone at work is stressed with fcat starting in a few days. The kids get freaked out about it even though we do our best to make lite of it all. This time of year for 3rd grade teachers, just sucks! In fact, from now until June is just yucky. Anyway, everyone on the team seems to be on the verge of a breakdown. If we all get through these next few weeks without scratching each other's eyes out-that would be nice. 10 hormonal, stressed out women, sometimes in one room, is not pretty!

BUT-while getting interims done, balancing an ever negative bank account, subbing for a friend for after school fcat "club", volunteering at NNMS, helping 2 of my 2nd graders after school with math, completing the cutest birth announcement ever, getting 200 hockey photo form ready and trying to edit approximately 700 photos, a few beautiful bits of magic happened that took my breath away.

1. Out of the blue, I received a text message from my 21 yr old nephew. He has never texted me before. The text read, "Hi. I just wanted you to know I love you." WOW!

2. A friend from waaaaay back when, wrote me the most beautiful message on Facebook. I cried as I read it. Thank you, Jane!

3. The sonic boom from the shuttle sent my 13 year old boy running to my bedroom. He thought someone was trying to break in the house(by shaking it?). He climbed into my bed and didn't leave the whole night. He fell right to sleep and I spent about 2 hours just watching him sleep as if he were a baby again (ok, I really fell asleep after about 10 minutes, but 2 hours sounded a lot better).

4. Kaity took the most gorgeous photos of a pregnant friend. The girl is 20 and alone. Kaity wanted to make her feel beautiful and special. She did her makeup and her hair. Then took her down to 5th Ave and to the beach. The photos were beautiful. We're going to make her baby shower invitations for her and a music CD for the delivery room. Why did Kaity did all this for this girl? They're not best friends, they're not even close. But she did it because she knew it was the right thing to do and I'm so proud of her!!

5. I took photos of yummy Michael today and his whole family. Here are just a couple of sweet, happy Michael. Enjoy!!!


Heidi said...

your humor comes through on this blog...i love it. you make me laugh!

the photos katies took...BEAUTIFUL!!!! so proud of her. please tell her i saw them and think they are great!

tho ones you took are great too!

love david slept with sweet!


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