Monday, October 11, 2010

God and this weekend!

I'm not the most religious person out there, but I definitely believe and when I feel God's presence,it rocksmy world.

I felt God many times these past couple of days and I saw His work. It was an amazing weekend for many reasons. (I'm a list kinda person. I make them, usually lose them, make another, lose it, you get the picture)

1. My girl came home this weekend. I knew I missed her terribly, but when I saw her standing in the corner of my classroom, I lost it. I screamed, I cried, I hugged her as tightly as I could and I just couldn't let go. The love and happiness I felt at that moment was so powerful, so wonderful.

2. A GORGEOUS wedding this weekend took my breath away. The wedding itself was amazing, but the COUPLE, oh my, I fell in love with them. Meghan was such a beautiful calm, happy, and so LOVED. The way Aaron looked at her, I knew that was God's work. These two are so meant for each other. These two are like magnets.....they have the most amazing friends who just want to be near them because of who they are. I now have a new friend and feel so blessed. I love you Meghan!

3. Kaity, photographer, creative soul, daughter extraordinaire was my "second camera" for the wedding on Saturday. She should have been the First Camera and I should have been her assistant! I was so proud of her and how she worked! WOW is all I can say about her photography. Seriously, WOW!

4. Three weeks late for my monthly "visit" and at MY age this is pretty scary stuff. So when I took a test and got the ONE solid blue line (negative) I was on my knees saying, "AMEN! Thank You God! Praise the Lord!" I'm a believer for sure!

5. Sunday morning, William and Sonoma Belgium waffles, sausage, coffee, orange juice, a laptop, 2 yummy littles and one of my dearest friends was Heaven on earth. In this home of my friend, I wear no makeup, forget to brush my teeth at times, have greasy hair and I feel love and acceptance like only God could provide. It just warms my heart when my Kaity is only home for 48 hours and she wants to spend a few of those hours at what I consider my sanctuary. Thank you Kelle, Lainey, Nella and Brett! You and your home fill my heart so completely!

6. I also felt God on Sunday when I watched my girl go through security at the airport without me. My heart was breaking butI know that my love for her is so deep ithas to be a gift.

BUT I have to say, I hate concourse sucks! That's where I broke down in the restroom, when I returned from leaving her in Savannah and where I leave her when she goes back's like a black hole that sucks her in and I can't stop it. Damn concourse D! So as I watched her leave yesterday, I realized I have changed. I don't "feel" like I use to and I realized why....half of my heart is in Savannah. How can I truly feel and love and be happy when part of my heart is missing? I know that sounds like all doom and dread and poor me BUT here's what I did. What does one do when they come to this realization? To this epiphany? She goes shopping!

I hiked through the airport to Brighton and bought myself a gorgeous bracelet full of sparkling, silver hearts. Then I went to Starbucks and got myself a Pumpkin Spice Latte! My heart feels much better!



Carin said...

I like.


Unknown said...

You're awesome Laura. I love reading your blogs, they're always filled with such depth, emotion and inspiration. Keep writing - and posting your pics, they're wonderful to see as well. Jane

Kelle said...

Tears. When you are here, it always feels like home. And I have fallen in love with Kaity so much this last year. I love that I know her like I know you.

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